Astrology and Vaastu Center

Contact only through whatsapp no. 9810335367. An Astrologer (since 1965) and Vastu consultant (since 1980) to the core, is presently practicing full time in Gurgaon, India, since 1995. He is teaching occult sciences Astrology and Vastu. Jyotish and Vaastu Classes, Learn jyotish, Learn Vaastu and Astrology. Remedies and solutions to problems through Puja and Havan by qualified karm-kandi brahmins for effective results arranged at your convenience. Bookmark and Share

Sunday, July 31, 2011


A building, whether it be a residential house or a industrial concern, it should be constructed obeying all the principles and rules given in Vaastu Shastra. Enjoying the bliss of healthy long life with family, he may find out the ways and means of getting rid of all troubles and losses. This is possible only on the basis of knowledge and knowledge requires experience. To incorporate the deeds and experiences of the forefathers or of our own in current situations in life, so as to enjoy the worldly pleasures is what we call experience. Happiness can be enjoyed for whole of the life.
The progress of any construction work is hindered or slowed down only if it is not in accordance with the procedure given in Shastras, where the good or evil effects of all the steps right from selection of site to residing in the house constructed have been considered.
Therefore the following facts relating to Vaastu in cinema halls and studios should be borne in mind and followed by the persons related to this business -
1.      Before constructing the cinema hall or studio, the land site should be square or rectangle and aligned to cardinal directions.
2.      The land should be sloping towards the northeast direction.
3.      Building of the cinema hall should be constructed keeping it elevated and heavy on the west and south.
4.      Screen and stage should be in the north or east and the balcony should be constructed in the west or south, so that the viewers face towards east or north while seeing a film.
5.      The machine room to project the film on the screen should be built in the south or west direction.
6.      Generator and electric power etc. should be installed in the southeast corner where these will be auspicious.
7.      Toilets for the public should be constructed in the south near the southwest corner or in the west near northwest corner, such that people face towards south while using the toilet.
8.      Entrance in the hall should be from southwest and exit in the north-east direction. Doors should be provided in proper auspicious position.
9.      In a hall facing east, entrance should be from the north side and in a hall facing north, entrance from the east is auspicious.
10.  Canteen and restaurant should be allotted a place in the east near the southeast corner or it can be near the northwest corner in the north.
11.  Car parking, cycle stand, etc. should be there in the southwest portion.
12.  Enough open space should be kept all around the cinema hall.
13.  Overhead water tanks should be placed in the southwest corner of the roof.
14.  The northeast corner should be kept low and light; it should always be kept neat and clean. Arrangement should be made in this corner for worship (Puja)
15.  The chamber of the manager should be in the southwest portion, and the manager should sit facing north or east in his room.
16.  Office will also be auspicious in southwest.
17.  Friday is the auspicious day for release of a film.
18.  There should not be any kind of pit or low area in the vicinity of the cinema hall in south or west direction.

19.  Slope of the cinema hall should be toward the northeast.
20.  Roof of the hall should also be sloping in east or north directions.
21.  Ticketing window should be in east or north directions.
22.  Office of the accountant and the engineer should be in southeast portion.
23.  The trailer photos of the current films can be displayed in the northwest areas of the cinema hall.
24.  A pit or low in the north or east is auspicious, water tank, bore well, constructed below the floor level of the hall in north-east direction for drinking water is auspicious and beneficial.
25.  Waste water or the sewer should be drained out from the northwest side.
26.  Rain water should flow out towards the northeast which should be harvested.


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