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Sunday, July 31, 2011


Multi-storey Building

The multi-storey complex should be vaastu-wise complex.  Lower towers in the north and east or north east and higher ones in south-east, north-west and highest tower in the south-west.

The service areas should be so designed these get enough natural light.  Vastu enjoins to have the reducing floor heights in all buildings, it being very important in high-rise ones.  The following are the two standards to be applied in having the reducing floor heights, which is self explanatory in the image below.

All the other attributes of a building will apply as given earlier for home vastu, with the exception detailed under the head apartment selection.

Apartment Selection

Apartments have been becoming more popular firstly because of high land prices and secondly due to hassles of constructing a house by oneself. The advent of apartments offered acceptable options but not without the vaastu defects in most cases.  If the choice for the apartment is made judiciously then presence of basic positive vaastu elements can be ensured.  Alternatively, some minor corrections can offset the adverse vaastu elements arising out of structures like columns and beams.

Making a conscious effort to own a flat in the northeast sector of a multi-storey tower may help to begin with. Still better the tower chosen is the one which is located in the northeast or north or east.  The other apartment towers should not shadow the stated directions, in the early morning hours.

While the master bedroom can be located in the southwest, the kitchen may be located in the southeast or alternatively in the northwest. Most importantly, the bedroom located in the southwest may be used as a master bedroom or be given to the elders of the family to enhance the auspiciousness of the apartment.

If none of the parameters can be ensured, try to select an apartment in the higher floors of the towers with the presence of whatever positive factors can be ensured.

Most importantly, balcony may be preferred in the East or North East or North. Also, these stated balcony or balconies should not shadowed in the early hours of the morning.


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