Astrology and Vaastu Center

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Saturday, July 30, 2011


Beneficial Rays of the Sun

Vaastu refers to the Northeast as Easanya or Devamoola (god's hub) as it is the most important spiritual zone of any structure.  When passed through a prism, sun's rays can be split into seven visible colours while two colours (ultra-violet and infra-fed) still remain invisible. Accordingly, the Paramasayika Mandala (resting hub) for Manushyalaya (human habitation) provides for division of each side of a habitat into nine equal parts.  The first part beginning from northeast (most potent for knowledge, intellect and spiritual pursuit) represents ultra-violet rays sequencing into violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red and finally infra-red corresponding to the southeast (most potent in worldly or family sense).

Ultra-violet is an inspiring and spiritual colour at the head of the cooling trio including violet and indigo as well. This cooling trio of the spectrum has the soothing effect on the body and corresponds to the northeast promoter of sound health. Violet is good for bone growth, maintaining the potassium and sodium balance of the body. This balances all metabolism and glandular activities. The middle trio blue, green and yellow representing east are balancing colours.  The heating trio orange, red and infrared are good for recuperation from ailments that require healing heat.

Place                                                        Colour Preferred
1.     Bed Room                                            Pink, Blue, Green.
2.     Study Room                                         Green, Yellow.
3.     Dining Room                                         Green, Yellow
4.     Store                                                   Blue, Yellow, Black - Dark Colours
5.     Bath Room                                           Green, Blue, Yellow.
6.     Toilet                                                    Sky Blue, Blue.
7.     Living Room                                         White, Blue, Green.
8.     Kitchen                                                 Blending of White, Blue & Red
9.     Varandah                                              Yellow, Blue.
10.  Basement                                             Purple, Green.
11.  Parking Place Or Garrage                       Blue, Green. 
12.  Home Office                                         White, Yellow, Green.

Planets & Colours

All things are made from five elements - Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Sky, and all are colourful. Imbalance caused by colours can be rectified. All colours have their lord i.e. planets, and each direction of the vaastu purush is governed by the planets. Astrologically favourable planet can also be used in occupants’ personal areas.

Colours                                                Lord Planet                                          Direction
Black, Blue, Purple                    Saturn               Sani                                          West    
Grey                                         Venus               Shukra                                      South-east
Yellow                                      Jupiter              Brihspati                                   Brahmsthana
Green or grey                            Mercury            Buddh                                      North
White                                       Moon                Chandra                                    North-west
Orange                                     Sun                  Surya                                        East
Blood Red                                Mars                 Mangal                                     South
Black or Ultra Violet                   Rahu                 Dragon's Head                          South-west
Infra Violet                                Ketu                 Dragon's Tail                             North-east


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