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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Vaastu Lession Three: VAASTU PURUSH Concept, Attributes & Safeguards

What is so unique about Vaastu, the ancient Indian architecture? Vaastu puts a soul into architecture through the concept of Vaastu purush (cosmic man). Hence, all the attributes to keep the human healthy in all the facets of life are duly considered. For perfect activation, continuation and acceleration of the process the tenets of Vaastu should be applied.
Vaastu Purush lies down with its face downwards so bearing the load of all the human structures. For better results, offerings should always be made to vaastu purush. Every peace of land, once marked for whatever purpose is occupied a vaastu purush.  It will give harmony prosperity only when its use in accordance with its natural attributes.  Like a flute will give only a certain note from each of its hole, vaastu-purush gives desired results when used or built upon as per the tenets of vaastu. Vaastu Purush has three positions, nitya vaastu (changing every three hours in a day), chara vaastu (changing four times a year correspond to the seasons) and sthira vaastu i.e. fixed vaastu purush, (sthira denotes permanance meaning hereby permanent positive results) which position is given here.

Vaastu Purush and Directions:
Vaastu Purush is bound from
four cardinal directions called : 
East (Indira), West (Varuna),
North (Kubera), and South (Yama); and
four non cardinal directions called :
Northwest (vayavya), Northeast (eashanya),
Southeast (Agneya) and South-west (Nairutya)

            Lastly, it also maintains BrahmSthana (Central Place) which, of course, is attributable to Earth (Prithvi).

Vaastu Purush is a living organism, and so, Panchmahabhutas (Five Great Elements) i.e. Earth (prithvi), Water (apa), Light or Fire (Tejas), Air (Vayu) and Ether or Space (Akasa) are allocated to the nine sections stated and shown above.
Vaastu Purush is lying with his face and stomach down and touching the ground. His head is at the Northeast (aisanya) and legs at Southwest (Nairrutya), corresponding to the North Pole and the earth tilt, explained earlier.
According to atmospheric circle, Southwest (Nairrutya) portion receives more heat, and so the walls in that direction are required to be thicker and higher.

Once again, likewise, limbs, other than the above are also connected with the vaastu purush and the construction of the building.

Ancients did discover the "Chakras" in the body of the Vaastu Purush:
The seven chakras are :
1.      Sacral (mooldhara chakra) at the base, represents earth, in the current dispensation.
2.      Spleen (swadhisthana chakra) in the lower stomach, near two kidneys, represents water.
3.      Solar (manipura chakra) at the navel, and the vaastu purush breathes through this.
4.      Heart  (anahata chakra) near the heart, relates to atmosphre or air (vayu).
5.      Throat (visuddha chakra) in the throat, represents ether (akas), or OM.
6.       And so are the Third Eye or Brow (sahasara chakra),
7.      And finally the Crown (ajna chakra).

Needless to state that these chakras must be protected while construction is taken up.  Vaastu Purush will suffocate if inlet and outlets are blocked with pillars.

Brahmasthana & Energy Lines
The Brahmasthana (the central square of the plot) is an important sector.  This is the sector round the navel (nabhi) of the vaastu purusha.  This corresponds to the nine suares of the 81 grid plan (also called the Paramasayika Padavinyasa).  Manasara states that in the Brahmasthana, the temple of the family deity can be built.  Obviously, the area must be kept clean.

The energy lines running through the centre of the plot are also important, as these correspond to several body parts of the Vaastu Purush.
            The energy lines running diagonally through the vaastu purush are called Konasutra and declared vulnerable by Brihat Samhita.  The lines running across the middle points joining the north with south and the east with west are delicate and termed as Marma Points in “Mayamata”. These vulnerable points should not be hurt or disturbed by nails, pillars, pegs, heavy objects and so on.  As the troubled parts of the vaastu purush will reflect on the owner of the property, these energy lines should be protected.
Ayurveda Trigunas:
From the point of Ayurvedic Trigunas - three personal disposition or characteristics of the inmate of the house, the vaastu purush is also divided in three zones, such as
1.      Paisachika corresponding to Tamasika attributes or northwest direction,
2.      Manushya corresponding to Rajasika atttributes represented by south-est direction; and
3.      Deva corresponding to Sattwik attributes represented by northeast direction.
Ayurveda Tridoshas:
From the point of view of health of the inmates, the ayurvedic Tridoshas like :
1.      Vata or Vayu (air principles) corredponding to Northwest,
2.      Pittha or Mayu (fire principles) corresponding to Southeast, and
3.      Kapha or Valasa (water principles) corresponding to Northeast have been incorporated.
·         Vata person is prone to chronic constipation, back pain, paralysis, arthritis, etc.
·         Pittha person is prone to rashes, itches and liver disorders.
Kapha person is prone to congestion of lungs, obesity, bronchitis, sinusitis and cold related ailments.

The following diagram is the Vaastu Purush Mandal consisting 81 Square, depicting the presiding deities.

Planetary Allocation:
Ancient astro-wisdom do allocate planetary effects from different directions pertaining to the Vaastu Purush which are indicated in the image and stated below:
East                             : Sun
South                           : Mars
North                           : Mercury
West                           : Saturn

Northeast                    : Kethu (Dragon’s Tail) & Jupiter (partly)
Southeast                    : Venus
Southwest                   : Rahu (Dragon’s Head)
Northwest                    : Moon

Brahmsthana              : Jupiter

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