How is February 2010 For You : Revised & Expanded.
How is February 2010 for you:
Moon Sign Predictions?
Though the judgement of the natal horoscope is made on the correct synthesis of the nature of dasha and bhukti results and transposing the planetary transit results, the periodic predictions on general level are made based on transit of planets alone, based upon the position of the Moon or based upon the first alphabet of the first name of the person concerned (when the birth details are not available).
Aries - Mesh: Moon Sign – Alphabets : ‘chu’, ‘che’ ‘cho’ ‘la’, ‘lee’, ‘lu’, ‘lo’, ‘a’
New opportunities are on the anvil as well as expansion for those in business. There is opportunity of availing the fruits of your past efforts on the career front. You may a vehicle for your choice, and a home of your own too. Marriage with a good partner is possible. The possibility of some disillusionment cannot be ruled out though. Overseas trip is likely. Students will do well excelling in mathematics. Good month for competitive exams also. Ladies may use caution in kitchen. They may buy some jewelery item.Avoid satire or controversies to keep the troubles at bay.
Favourable dates are 1, 2, 6, 8, 13, 15, 17, 22, 24 & 26. You may chant “Aum Hum Hanumatye Namah” in multiples of 3, and seek his blessings at least in a Hanuman temple on Tuesdays.
Taurus – Vrishabh: Moon Sign – Alphabets : ‘ee’, ‘oo’, ‘ae’, ‘ou’, ‘vaa’, ‘vee’, ‘vu’, ‘ve’, ‘vo’
Do avoid negative approach of looking at things and people for greater strides in life. Love and affection with one and all will help you financially as well as in family. Promotion in career is likely with better position. Successful completion of a project for all is foreseen. Success in litigation is likely. Health of spouse and father may keep you stressed. Students will do well working diligently with resolution. Overseas visit is likely. Benefit from purchase of a land of plot will be good.
Favourable dates are 2, 3, 12, 13, 15, 17, 22 & 23. Chant “Aum Namo Naraynaye” in multiples of 3 as many times possible during the day. Feed cow regularly.
Gemini – Mithun: Moon Sign – Alphabets : ‘ka’, ‘kee’, ‘ku’, ‘gh’, ‘dd’ ‘chh’ ‘ke’, ‘ko’, ‘hh’
Only enlightened souls can enlighten other souls and so your own energy only can induce to work properly. Charitable deed - may be donation to an “old age home” will help you immensely in your well being. You must offer water to Sun every morning to attract such body energy. A morning walk will be additionally good too. Interaction and family get together are high on the cards. Litigation may keep you busy. Good time for business. If connected with jewellery or designing or media, there is additional finance available. Sudden gains are likely including share market. Ladies may get married soon. Students will have good memory to excel in studies.
Favourable dates are 6, 7, 11, 12, 16, 18, 20, 23 & 25 to 27. You may chant Gayatri Mantra regularly morning and evening. Donate black things at Sani temple and pray Lord Saturn.
Cancer – Kark: Moon Sign – Alphabets : ‘hee’, ‘hoo’, ‘hey’, ‘ho’, ‘daa’, ‘dee’, ‘doo’, ‘dey’, ‘dou’
Avoid extremities in expressions i.e. too much love that you disclose everything and anything and on the other hand distrust the other for anything or everything to the extent of hate. You will feel energized by investing or spending for good cause. Caution is of course needed to curb unwanted expenses. Property deal will be fruitful. Keep you good health by restricting your diet in quantity and in quality. Wedding bells are likely, however, keep away from chance acquaintance with opposite sex. It will be an invigorating month for all reasons. If you are born around Amavasya, you need to put more efforts to get results, so do not get disheartened keep your spirits high. Students will also do well.
Favourable dates are 1, 2, 6 to 8, 10, 17, 19, 22, 23 & 28. Chant “Aum Aiem Kleem” in multiples of 3 will protect your money and income. Chant of “Aum Namo Bhagwate Vasudaveye” in multiples of 3 is invigorating.
Leo – Sinh: Moon Sign – Alphabets : ‘maa’, ‘mee’, ‘moo’, ‘mey’, ‘mo’, ‘tta’, ‘ttee’, ‘ttoo’, ‘tte’
Gayatri Mantra is your main strength. Money considered lost to debtors will be recovered. Look at full moon and your desires will be fulfilled this month and your delayed works will be completed. Your contact for overseas trade will open new avenues of profit. Your spouse will be helpful too. Spirituality will attract you more deeply. Avoid temperamental behaviour with your spouse if your really rise in life. Agricultural land will give better returns. Those in career will have boost in their position. Business will look up and debts will be cleared soon. Students will study with intelligence and resolution. Ladies will make some good purchases.
Favourable dates are 1, 2, 8, 10 to 13, 22, 22 & 24. You may chant “Aum Namah Kamal Vasiniye Swaha”.in multiples of 3. Pray to Lord Saturn and donate black things at Sani Temple on every Saturday to reduce the effect of Sade Sati.
Virgo – Kanya: Moon Sign – Alphabets : ‘tto’, ‘paa’, ‘pee’, ‘poo’, ‘ss’, ‘nn’, ‘thth’, ‘pey’, ‘pou’
Sudden gains can be foreseen, while some depression cannot be ruled out. Keep good company be cheerful to empower yourself. Any health issue will be resolved with better health condition. You may buy some property. Guard your position in career by not offending your seniors. Interior decoration people may get new contracts. Avoid any partnership proposal will grace and dignity of the offer. Overseas contracts will be fruitful this month. Transfer of job or responsibility or that of residence also can be foreseen, keep patience and things will be better for you. Debating skills will be better for the students and the ladies may see the expansion of family.
Favourable dates are 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 17, 18, 24, 26 & 28. Help lame persons and donate black articles at Saturn Temple to tackle the negative effect of Sani Sade-Sati. Chant “Aum Hum Hanumatye Namah” in multiples of 3 as many times possible during the day.
Libra – Tula : Moon Sign – Alphabets : ‘raa’, ‘ree, ‘roo’, ‘rey’, ‘rou’, ‘ta’, ‘tee’, ‘too’, ‘tey’
Prosperity is the signature of this month of February. You will excel in your disposition in your own circle. You may come in contact with an important person to be of advantage for long time to come. A new contract may be established and/or a new avenue of income will be generated. Spiritually also it is a good month. Time to earn name and fame is now. Wedding bells for many is likely. There is high possibility of dream come true of owning a house. Students will show greater intelligence and will be studious. Women may avoid much talk and arguments.
Favourable dates are 1, 2, 6 to 8, 13, 15, 20, 24, 26 & 28. Chant *Aum” every morning and evening as long as possible. Charity to an “old age home” will be excellent. Donate black articles at Saturn Feed crows from out of your meals daily. Temple to tackle the negative effect of Sani Sade-Sati. Chant “Aum Hum Hanumatye Namah” in multiples of 3 as many times possible during the day.
Scorpio – Vrishchik: Moon Sign – Alphabets : ‘tou’, ‘naa’, ‘nee’, ‘noo’, ‘ney’, ‘nou’, ‘yaa’, ‘yee’, ‘yuu’
Charitable deed will help you getting over the negatives and help strengthen the positive trends. Avoid being smarter than your seniors or you had it. Challenging time with your colleagues senior or junior – be friendly and the world is yours. Overdraft or bank loan for acquiring property will be easy to come by. Prosperity and godly help is waiting this month for you. Friends will be helpful too. Avoid driving fast and eat sensibly. Students will do will with display of better intelligence. Some may fulfill the desire of having a progeny.
Favourable dates are 1 to 6, 8, 14, 16 to 18, 23, 25, 27 & 28. Chant “Aum Hum Hanumatye Namah” in multiples of 3. Feed fish in a temple tank. Pray to Lord Karthikeya and chant “Aum SubrahamaNyaaya Namah” in multiples of 3 as many times possible during the day.
Sagittarius – Dhanur: Moon Sign – Alphabets : ‘yey’, ‘yoou’, ‘bha’, ‘bhee’, ‘bhoo’, ‘dhaa’, ‘phaa’, ‘ddhaa’, ‘bhey’
Financial ease is indicated with pleasant change if job or assignment. Landed property may give you sudden gains. 8 to 10 are not favourable and warrants caution by postponing important decisions. You will keep advancing despite adversities created by your enemies. If looking for a better start of career you may have to wait a bit more. Avoid slip in bath room or chances of injury with a sharp object. Students need to work hard with concentration. Ladies desirous of a child may conceive. Marriage for some is likely.
Favourable dates are 1 to 4, 6, 10, 13, 14, 18, 19, 22 & 24. Chant “Aum Kanak-dharaye Namah”, in multiples of 3, as many times possible during the day. Donate blood to please Lord Kartikeya and pray to him suitably.
Capricorn – Makar: Moon Sign – Alphabets : ‘bhou’, ‘jaa’, ‘jee’, ‘khou’, ‘gaa’, ‘gee’, ‘khee’, ‘khoo’, ‘khey’
Goddess Saraswati is kind on you and will open up new avenues for all. High level contacts and promising greater future is foreseen. The relations with seniors will be conducive. Avoid speculative deals in stocks. Financial gains are high on cards but cautious approach is warranted to overcome any possible financial crunch. Offer donations of fruits on Saturday to needy. Spiritual path will also open up for you and bring new happiness in this spring time. For agriculturists, the time is ripe for better harves. There need to take nutritious food with necessary vitamins with adequate rest. Students need to work very hard. Wedding bells is likely for many. Ladies may buy expansive perfumes and clothes.
Favourable dates are 3, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23 & 27. Chant “Aum Aem Saraswatyey Aem Namah”, in multiples of 3, as many times possible during the day. Execute the long desired plan of donating your eyes. Chant Gayatri Mantra with relevant hast mudras for greater vigour and all round well being.
Aquarius – Kumbh: Moon Sign – Alphabets : ‘goo’, ‘gey’, ‘gou’, ‘saa’, ‘see’, ‘soo’, ‘sey’, ‘sou’, ‘daa’
Darkness will be dispelled and blocked paths will be cleared for you to advance. Be patient, respectful and firm and you will succeed in your efforts. Donations to those in need will bring better results in business. Gain from landed property is likely. Marriage is likely for many. There is likelihood of placement abroad or visit abroad. Take due care of any skin ailment. Agriculturists will have better yield this time. “Slow and steady wins the race” goes the old saying to be your moto coupled with hard work for long run successes Students will do well after working hard, specially in maths. Litigation will move favourably. Avoid controversies and confrontations.
Favourable dates are 1, 2, 5, 6, 8 to10, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 24 & 27. Transit of Saturn in 8th sign warrants prayers to Lord Saturn and donation of black articles in sani temple on every Saturday. Offer water to a people tree daily. Do not refuse alms to beggar. Visit to temple of Lord Hanuman will also be excellent. Chant “Aum Namo Bhagawate Anjanaye Maha-balaye Swaha” in multiples of 3. “Aum Namah Shivaye” in multiples of 3 for as many times possible during the day is excellent.
Pisces – Meen: Moon Sign – Alphabets : ‘dee’, ‘doo’, ‘thth’, ‘jhjh’, ‘jj’, ‘dey’, ‘dou’, ‘chaa’, ‘chee’
Keep a peacock feather in your northeast section of the house to bring in wisdom and intellectual property in the family. A good progeny is blessed for you. Change in job is good for you. Business people will acquire lost business. For many visit or business abroad is likely. Health will have to be cautiously attended to. Do not advance loans. Avoid controversy and only present friendly advice. Meditation is advised for those feeling mental anguish. You may acquire a piece of land. Ladies may buy expansive jewelery. Avoid surety or witness in any case.
Favourable dates are 3, 4, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 9 to 22, 26 & 28. Chant “Aum Aem Saraswatyeye Aem Namah” in multiples of 3, as many times possible during the day. Transit Saturn in the 7th is not hospital and needs attention by donating black things in Sani temple and prayer to Lord Saturn. Feed poor and lame persons. Give the workers their due with great attention and caution.
The above is based only on transit of planets based upon your native moon. Benefic or malefic results may increase or decrease when analysed through the main horoscope for arriving at the right moment of important event occurrence and necessary application of remedies.
P.D.Jain, Jyotish & Vaastu Consultant,
C-587, Sushant Lok I, Gurgaon
C-587, Sushant Lok I, Gurgaon
Mobile : 98103-35367
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At June 27, 2011 at 11:24 AM ,
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